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Happiness vs Capitalism- GNP or GNH?

The Silent Ecocide

Aspects of True Happiness

After working an the environmental field for almost several decades, one thing I am certain of is that the environmental crisis is a crisis of human consciousness. Nothing I or my fellow environmental conservationists do externally can be sustained for the long-term future. The problem will continue because the root of what is unfolding before us is a reflection of the corruption within governance, corporations and economy and a denial of our ecological relationship with the Earth. The root cause therefore, must be addressed in order to see any external transformation.

Environmental exploitation, human exploitation or war and violence cannot be solved by anything we do externally; the results will not be sustained long-term unless we fully understand that these issues reflect our misunderstanding of the world and ourselves in relation to it. War is an internal process associated with fear in the ego-mind that fuels greed and power and…

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